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Introduction to engineering design (ENGN 250) – Washington & Lee University
ENGN 250 syllabus
ENGN 250 example assignment: Design process
Sophomore engineering students (left to right: Misha Lin, Cat Caples, Jack McCusker, Innis McLiney, Ben Wechsler, and James Wiater) and their prototype for a reactive, reconfigurable acoustic panel.
Capstone design (ENGN 378/379) – Washington & Lee University
ENGN 378/379 syllabus
ENGN 378/379 example assignment
Introduction to engineering (ENGN 178) – Washington & Lee University
ENGN 178 syllabus
ENGN 178 example assignment
This is a video where I explain the basics of creating a line plot in MATLAB.
Computational methods (CEE 303) – The University of Michigan – Winter 2021
CEE 303 lab syllabus
Introduction to Python 3 for computational methods
This is a video where I explain the basics of using JupyterLab, which the students used to create their lab reports.
Example 1: Trapezoidal rule and ad hoc optimization
Example 2: Boundary-value problem and tridiagonal solver
Example 3: Parabolic PDEs using explicit finite-differences
This is a video where I explain how we can apply Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions to a numerical PDE solver.